Saturday, February 27, 2010

Palin dubbed "mega-star"

Asteroids bear the names of many great women, but know that we started the rumor that the great mega-star of Canis Majoris, the red hypergiant VY Canis Maj will be renamed: mega-star, designation GOP.

We soon expect to see the rumor at FOX News, Fair & Balanced, as a correction to the February 26, 2010 eructation by Gene J. Koprowski in which readers were directed to an old Gore campaign site as the site.  Clever, Gene!

To illustrate the sheer size of the mega-star, Todd and the PAC bus are expected this summer at the Columbia Icefields where they will be able to demonstrate that the rate of shrinking of that great glacier is a hoax!  The rate has never accelerated!  It just got faster, that's all!  And that's because the measuring tapes were allowed to lie out there on the dry ground in the sun instead of lying where they belong, on the ice.

Man does not change the climate.  The climate changes man.  Deforestation is a natural process that began in New York State and continued through Ohio, finally ending in Minnesota when it had run its natural course. 

Fact: the measurement of changed forestation in Brazil and anywhere else in the world has been contaminated because the cameras used by these "scientists" were on devices that were used in daylight!  Warmed by the sun!

Fact: the huge Douglas Fir stumps visible through a chain-link fence on Crown Land in Surrey, BC, is part of a Green Peace hoax!  Those stumps were there before the Hastings mill was built!  Before the Corps of Engineers arrived!  It had been a Dutch settlement (as confirmed by near-by windmills.)

FACT: Of the 3000 pages and 10,000 items in the report now discredited by one typo and two errors, there is just too much stuff to read to be able to confirm that human activities affect the weather!  The weather affects human activities!  Been to a barbecue in Seattle lately, Al ?!?

Fact: Natural climate change does not affect the risk of earthquake.  Exaggerations of the risk of devastation in Seattle were all from climate gate denialists.

Fact: Those who object to expanding cities built near volcanos or on mere fault lines live in denial of the Latter Days being upon us!  Of course there will be devastation!  Read Revelations!  Ever since the science behind plate tectonics was allowed into public schools and public libraries but saucer abductions by Lucifer's henchmen forced into private vanity press publishing, Christian History has been distorted.  Get the science outa geology!  Call a rock a rock!

Fact: Dire warnings about mud liquifaction in a major quake in Delta, B.C., were spread by alarmists using Japanese data!  The Japs were trying to get back land in Delta!  Trying to discourage more Evangelicals and Pentecostals from living south of the slopes that will one day be ours: North Vancouver, West Vancouver, last bastion of high-IQ atheists!  When the coast is clear, the Coast will be ours!

Fact: No born-again Christian has ever re-offended as a pedophile in a Community Church without first having adopted Male Sexual ExclusivityMSE!  Repent!

Advert: Buy your clear-cut logging permit for the so-called water-shed north of Vancouver!  Market genuine Canadian all-wood bobsleds and toboggans!  Don't waste money on more acres on the Moon for helium mining that the EPA will try to shut down!  Deforestation: so we can see from here to Eternity!

Fact: Mud, per cubic gallon, holds more centimeters of water than the floor of the tree-huggers "forest".  Tree plantations must be private property!  Stop the Canadian Government from using socialist tree planting!

Advert: Recycle carbon!  Haul old growth Redwoods and Douglas Fir to Texas on your custom 18-wheeler log-hauler and tandem trailer.  Come see our sample log mansions in Christian retirement communities!  Enjoy the Rapture in the comfort of a large group!  Texas. where old wood meets new oil!

BAN SIGNS warning that the use of Retarder Brakes in papist Urban areas is illegal!  Retarder Brakes are private property!  Most urban areas SHOULD BE private property!  See FOX News, Fair & Balanced, for more details on this and other threats to Private Property in your town!  Farmers!  The attack on corn syrup is only the thin edge of the Eminent Domain wedge!  Don't be pried of your private land!

Wake up the children of Democrats in Minnesota!  Haul logs through Eden Prairie!  Retarder Brakes, the clarion call to revolution!  Paul Revere wooda had 'em!

Question: Will Paul Bunyan be among the resurrected and will he be looking for his Babe?  This and more answers on Bible literature appear regularly in the Revised Science and Revised History News at FOX: sly as a fox!  But Fair and Balanced!

Expose fake Science Journalism! Ban Scientific American from public libraries!  It is not even AMERICAN!  We have proof that over the years, the "Facts" reported by this yellow rag have changed as often as the "Theory" behind those "Facts".  No articles supporting the Genesis account of the work of the Great Designer have ever been published in this mouthpiece for ATHEISM!  Support Fair and Balanced Science!  Read your Science News at SciTech on the easy menu at !

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