Thursday, April 1, 2010

Palin and the Baptist

In case you missed the story on Palin and the Baptist preacher who refuses to condemn all gays, lesbians and transexuals ... and think that she knows anything about Iran and the Holocaust.

Palin may have missed that course on "20th Century History for Journalism Students" when she was flip-flopping from one of her five (or was it six?) colleges before she somehow got her degree ... during the first months of the Russian invasion of Poland (that was fall 1939, Gov'nor P.) ... some Polish refugees did come to find shelter in Persia.  The Nuremberg Laws were passed BEFORE we got to work on atomic bombs.  The Warsaw Ghetto was slaughtered BEFORE the Poles were slaughtered in Warsaw (as the Russians waited east of the Vistula.)  The French police were the main force rounding up Jews in France.  Most Jews in Bulgaria - like most in Denmark - survived.  Raoul Wallenberg disappeared at the hands of the Russians.

I know - it's complicated.  Many people refused to believe the Jews were actually being gassed.  It guess it kind just happened - sorta like, you know, "dropping the big one!"  Many people believe the Iranians are trying to build nuclear weapons.  And Obama is jest afeard to drop in a few bunk-busters!  Heck, you don't go after moose with a .22 - do you Dad? (Her Dad knows all about ammunition but her got caught up in that dinosaur hoax and now thinks the World is more than 7000 years old, silly ole fool ... but he was just teaching science - it's not like he was peddling that baloney at Sunday Schools to corrupt our innocent children!)

Iran is complicated. Sometimes they call it Persia.  Sometimes they speak Farsi and then they go an get a notion to goin' back to speakin' PErsian.  Before our new CIA over-threw the Iranian government to install our friend and yours, the Shah, the Jews of Tehran lived in relative peace. Very naive of them.  The Ayatollah was living openly in France.  Only in recent years - really just since Arnold became Gov'nor -  the middle-class and professional Jews of Iran have fled to Los Angeles (oops, they are on the West Coast and may vote progressive-liberal-communist-Dimocrat.)

Was it the United States which interfered with Jews emigrating from 1946 Europe to anywhere other than Palestine?   Heck no! Were those conservative members of the State Department or liberals?  And did France help?  Should we have offerd the DP's of Europe a new home in Alaska from where they could almost see the "home" provided in Stalin's autonomous Jewish republic as far from Moscow and Leningrad as he could find on the map?  Are you kidding?  What would they know about salmon fishin' and moose hunting - and most all of that we do on Saturdays anyway!

Well. it's just so dang complicated.  And the three words "Israel", and "Iran" and "Obama" all fit neatly on one hand.  And of course Netanyahu has been organizing get-togethers - "Come on in for tea!" - at new settlements all over the West Bank and Arabs are welcome there, too! (say, Bill, is that the West Bank of the "blue" Nile or the "white" Nile? - and whose on the East Bank? - Istanbowl or Constandinopel?

Of course, if anything ever DID happen to the State of Israel, The End of Days might have to be re-scheduled - but, heck, that's happened before, right?  RAPTURE!  Moose-hunting in heaven means never having to say "re-load!" 

PS   Pelosi might be the Anti-Christ!  Cuz anything's possible, right?  You-Bitcha!
(per SarahP)