Thursday, February 11, 2010

Atheist defies "Don't Ask, Don't Tell"

The rumor mill has it that the son of a former governor has come out in the United States military as a morally-bankrupt atheist!

While we are not able to confirm, when a  soldier goes rogue, it is almost certain to be someone who has FoxNews-worthiness.

As "one nation under the Christian God" we can ill-afford to tolerate the manicheanations of these twisted perverts - unless they happen to be the child of a FoxNews-worthy politician - or, honor be unto them, former politician.

How FoxNews will handle this: they will doubtless break-away for contributor commentary just as the liberals start the free give-and-take of unrehearsed question-and-answer.

It is reassuring to know, that the father of an child born out of wedlock is at least not gay!  But an atheist!  A first-born son!  One they could have drowned if they had only known!

Fact: genetically-determined atheism, when determined by palm-reading, is grounds for drowning the newborn under the proposed revisions to the constitution of the Republic of Alaska.

Long live the Republic of Vermont - home to the Armed Forces stockade for unrepentant atheists (but only those who were outed by their own free will.)

Advert:  new biofeedback innovation for water-boarding atheists!  Accurate measurements of the dissolution of free will in even saline ice water!  Accurate to 24 Fairinheight.  Warning: even water-proof GSR electrodes must not be used for electro-shock or humane electrocution. call our order entry desk if not sure.  Technically correct, is (technically) always your best bet!

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