Thursday, February 25, 2010

Palin and the CNN LIVE open mike

Today, Feb 25, (2012 - 2) when that supposed "President" (that's still the terrorists buddy, O, B. Hussein) rose to let members of the House vote, suspending the SETUP "dialogue" with some fake-Conservative Republicans led by TURN-COAT McCain, the internets CNN LIVE left the mike open for a few minutes as their Journalist followed that pseudo-Prez across to what should already be the Palin White House.

Imagine what Alaskans on the internets coulda herd!

True, it was only when the CNN Journalist managed to catch the attention of that non-American Pr*s*d*nt that we heard someone near the West Wing sidewalk entrance by the Press Scrum across from Lafayette Park saying "F*cking" this or that - but our kids MIGHT have heard someone say how if Senator Palin of Hawaii had been invited, she sure culda shut down that "guy" with all his scoffin' at the "talkin' points" of Tea-Party-Approved-for re-election Rep's who were providing the American People CONSISTENT common sense solutions that the American people demand!

An open mike is part of the open society and under the prophesied Palin Interregnum, FOX News will be operating open mikes most everywhere as radio merges with web-cams [AM mashes-up with FM] so that we can monitor any misleading reports before they are twisted by the formerly Mainstream Media just to confirm the revocation of their unmerited broadcast license "entitlement" under the new NRA-administered FCC.


The NRA ... helping Helliburston administer towns across America in the new Tea Party Network (Inc.)

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