Sunday, February 7, 2010

Palin reveals socialist plot by environmentalists

Sarah Palin will soon reveal that the US Army Corps of Engineers was nearly taken over by socialists in an effort to divert the Mississippi River in order to flood the Florida Everglades in a mean-spirited effort to bolster seniors' housing prices in Queens and the Ohio Valley territory.

Palin will cite several secret USACE studies which have shown that Kudzu vines were, in fact, native to the upper reaches of the Missouri near its source in southern Alaska. This was a known fact and no lobbyist's "natural" science was required to prove it.

There is no truth to plans to introduce Kudzu vines to reduce erosion of Alaskan coastline where exposed permafrost is no longer, well, permanent. Instead, hardy Shiraz-Cabernet blends will be tried as these have been effective along the Thames embankment at Chateau Chez Blair (as can be seen when not walking along the left bank and a bit right of Canary Wharf.)

As the Fox News contributor will report, human activities have not affected nature. Plans to report from the naturally-occurring concrete dome discovered by Christian archeologists on the Bikini Atoll have been postposed due to a naturally cracked runway at Nome.

Alaskan "Glacier" Chardonnay, from the newest micro-climate. Bottled in Denali.

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