Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Principles, Privacy and Palin: the interview and the family.

"After an election - well, who really remembers who was Jimmy Carter's running-mate when he lost to Reagan?
You have to think about your family.  Of course, you could go on being the public's servant, say, Governor of some state that's never in the news - or you could just look out for your family.
There's the principle, not mention to the interest right now.  Suppose you could have a ghost writer, for example, and not have to worry about too many facts - well, you could have a book.  A best-seller even - if you had a really good ghost-writer with, you know, connections.  So there's all these options ...
Suppose someone offered you - asked you - to be on the Presidential ticket, well, you'd have to think of your family.  Sure, it only pays a hundred or so a year, but really good long-term benefits.  And a chance for the kids to decide if they want careers in acting or being in ad's and what not.
And then there's your looks - every year those digital cameras the Japs are making - they just pick up more and more details ever year.  It's like being spied on, once those papperhatsi get going with those new digital cameras that've got internet built right into 'em - no one will even want to go to Hawaii any more - it's just a big fishbowl!
Mayor of Fairbanks would be all right - what with the Japs catching all the fish now - probably using underwater digital cameras in their sneaky robot fishin' nets - what else is Todd gonna do?  Well yes, whaling, that would be alright ... they just eat all the fish anyways.
Does that Backman woman hunt?  I dont' know ... do they really have moose there in Minnesota?
Now a seat in the Senate, that's for at least four years, right?  And it sounds better on the campaign  trail ... Senator Palin - what about Arnold, he's a Senator isn't he? Isn't he retiring?
And then there's acting - Arnold had lots of that before - it's a bit like modeling, right?  Or standing along the sidelines at the big game, waiting for that little red light on the camera to turn all red.  It's just always so exciting!  And just once if they could use that snappy thing - you know, white and black box thing -"Take One - Palin for President".
I don't know about "Palin 'n Palin" - maybe just "Sarah 'n Todd" - like on a wedding invitation, only with pictures of the kids.  Most people can't even spell "Backman" I don't know what that Limbow is thinkin' ..
If I would've known then, well I could've ...

Hey! Look here now!  Stop that fussin' and complainin' right now!  I told you yesterday - and I'm gonna tell you just this one more time - three more weeks on this bus and then you all get the two days to fly to Juneau and back! And it's all paid for - and you just don't know when to be grateful.  And don't let me be hearing any lip!

So, what was I saying - do you have one of those little cassette players there - can we start that interview now?  I have your questions right here .. it's just photocopies you know, so I just fold it all up like that for my purse - but you can just smooth it all out there on your knee there - now Todd thought we could start with this one in the big letters at the top ... do you ever interview any movie stars?  Our pastor thinks I could be making at least one movie before the election ... it only takes a few weeks - and you don't have to be memorizing your lines anymore with the prompters they have now ... we didn't have those when I was in sports journalism and was being a sports analyst .. you had to remember what to ask the players and I didn't even have an assistant to tell me their names, you know, just to whisper it in my ear ... So, let's get started now alright?   Todd says I just look great in red, don't you think so?  You know they don't let their women wear red in Iran - makes them think like, you know, they might be having the curse - so you can wear red at home but not when you sit with your husband in those Muslin churches.  So now energy. Oh, how silly - it's first for you to ask the questions. Alright, I'm ready now ..."

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