Sunday, December 20, 2009

S Palin spalinns

We have had Mrs. Malaprop and malapropisms but the time has come for serious nonsense to have a name: spalinns

spalinns are not for people who have trouble with their spellings. Not at all.

spalinns are reserved for nonsense spouted by those who would drive us to look for a separation between science and state.

A recent US president was given to spalin nonsense, or spalin NS, for short ...

Take a political figure who denies that human activity affects natural processses that are far beyond local. Take Stalin and the cotton to be grown around the Aral Sea.

Take the US Corps of Engineers preventing the natural diversion of the Mississippi.

Take the proposals of "Technocracy" candidates in the 1920's to reverse the direction of flow of a few Canadian Rivers. And we are back to Stalin. Which leads us to genetics. And we are back to a recent US president.

The view that human activity does not relate to GW is bizarre: just begin with what we now know of paleo activity along the Colorado River and recent plans for desert cities.

Take the ports lying inland in desert in deforested areas of modern-day Turkey.

Take the US Corps of Engineers desisting from draining more of the Everglades (as it impacts floridian weather and much more.)

Take the construction of the thames barrier or any major breakwater.

When the powerful seek to tell fools what they want to hear: bald-faced lies, canards, vicious rumours -- what then can we do? we rely on reasoning, law, history, the facts -- and science.

NASA pictures of Madagascar bleeding red soil into the Indian Ocean is THE image of deforestation and the plight of the lemurs.

Deforestation has not endangered the Alaskan moose population. But over-fishing has devasted key fish stocks elsewhere (but perhaps not yer in Alaskan waters.)

The last pristine forests of eastern Europe are in peril - and so the last eastern European bears, "moose", wolves and bison (Yes, European bison.)


The problem is not your spelling.

Note that spalinns is not spelled "spalins" so as not to malign the Spalin family name.

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