Saturday, November 6, 2010

Christian ObamaCare and Pentecostal Palin (J. Calvin, not J-P II)

The sharing taught by Jeshua, the Nazarene, an itinerant stone-cutter, seems missing at the Uncle Sam tea parties.

His Buddhist teachers talked somewhat differently: the itinerant healer model was based as much on sharing as on barter (Yeshua, that is - not 'Sam' who is a fictitious icon.)

But once repealed, us (those touched by Grace, I suppose) will try to get more surgical bang for our buck outa those friendly not-so-big sickness-unto-death insurance companies.

It's as good as money in an unregulated bank (an Evangelical Savin-n-Loans) without that Commie-plot FDIC of those FDR'ers.

Oh, btw, the insurance actuaries program in APL (from satanic farma-Kanada) which looks like Greek.  Geee-suhs!

we will keep medicare and social insecurity for gramps cuz without it how could we afford to tithe our 10% and still keep that ole geezer from groaning on the sofa bed downstairs ... he's groaning now in the Hotel-8 elder-hostel on the I-40 service road jess fine, thank all ya'll very much.